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Was online more than two weeks ago


Male, 34 years, born on 8 July 1990

Not looking for a job

Чуст, I want to relocate, prepared for business trips

I&C and Electrical Engineer

  • Field engineer
  • Power engineer, electrical engineer
  • Technologist

Employment: full time

Work schedule: full day, shift schedule, flexible schedule

Work experience 9 years 11 months

November 2019currently
5 years 5 months

Tashkent, www.esan.uz/

Electronics, Tool Engineering, Household Appliances, Computers and Office Equipment... Show more

I&C Engineer
• MODERINISATION OF FARXAD HYDRO POWER STATION WITH THE CAPACITY OF 126 MW AT THE SIRDARYA REGION • POWER STATION PROJECT OF GAS TURBINE UNIT WITH THE CAPACITY OF 17 MW AT THE FERGANA POWER & BOILER HOUSE; • KAMCHIK HYDRO POWER STATION PROJECT OF FOUR HYDRO TURBINE UNITS WITH THE CAPACITY OF 26 MW AT THE NAMANGAN REGION; • KADIRYA HYDRO POWER STATION PROJECT OF TWO HYDRO TURBINE UNITS WITH THE CAPACITY OF 14 MW AT THE TASHKENT REGION; • POWER STATION PROJECT OF GAS TURBINE UNIT WITH THE CAPACITY OF 7 MW AT THE FERGANA BOILER HOUSE RK-3; • COMISSIONING AND MAINTENANCE WORKS AT SYRDARYA THERMAL POWER STATION; Duties and Responsibilities: • Runs daily monitoring at the station work site Checking and analyzing the drawings • Commissioning of the primary and secondary converters, recording and recording devices: pressure sensors, differential pressure, temperature sensors (resistance thermometers, thermocouple) flowmeters, oil-water sensors and other measuring devices • Equipment of chemical analysis: (electrical conductivity, oxygen, pH, Na) • Calibration & verification of measuring instruments • Systems of Vibrobit-300, IT14, Shenk, Vibrix, PLC, Quint, Sura, Siemens • Equipment of Mechanical Values, Absolute and relative vibration sensors, axial mixing, curvature, etc. • I&C works on the Tyristoric excitation systems of generators • Valves and regulators: pneumatic and electric, installation and commissioning • Commissioning work of Air compressor system and oil pump station
October 2018October 2019
1 year 1 month
Calik Enerji A.S

Namangan, calikenerji.com

Power Industry... Show more

Electrical engineer
• Ensures the availability of materials and human resources • Maintains the proper manpower on site and their daily productivity • Attends the daily meetings to file the daily progress reports on activities • Runs and manages the Quality control and monitoring of the materials • Ensures the correctness and avoids over-declaration of quantities of installed and reported materials in the subcontractors’ reports • Maintains the all necessary records, revisions & documentation • Controls Cable Laying (MV, LV and Power Control, I&C cables) works, Terminations, Testing • In charge of compiling and presenting the monthly Electrical and Instrumentation works
September 2015October 2016
1 year 2 months
To’palangSuvGES”qurilish LLC, Hydro-Electrical Station Talimarjan Power Plant Expansion Project


Power Industry... Show more

Electrical engineer
• Runs daily monitoring at the station work site • Checks and analyzes the drawings, and based on those analysis identifies and makes the list of the electrical materials to be used at construction site • Handles the record of electrical materials and their shifting from/to the storages • Inspects the electrical materials for defaults • Control cable pulling and termination works, making an appropriate schedule and choosing of cables for each direction • Installation of lighting, fire alarm and communication and lightning system • Provides reports to relevant management and ensures the non-interruptive work process
March 2014May 2015
1 year 3 months
Ferghana Valley Gas Supply, NHC ``UzbekNeftegaz''
Electrical Inspector
* Inspected the installation of electrical systems and equipment to detect faulty wiring, and ensured they comply with electrical codes and standards ; * Visited construction sites for inspections and recommendations on further improvement ; * Handled the planning and prioritizing the division's / projects electrical work activities ; * Managed the producing the accurate administration documents and safety certificates ; * Promoted good HSE practices in the workplace ;
August 2007July 2008
1 year
``Golden Novot'' Ltd


Electrical Assistant
* Provided the proper work & maintenance of electrical equipment ; * Handled and monitored the electrical load as per plant requirements ; * Made daily analysis and report on electrical power consumption & consumption demands


Skill proficiency levels
Английский язык
Driving Licence B
MS PowerPoint
MS Office
Водительское удостоверение категории B
Работа в команде
Грамотная речь
Управление персоналом
Деловая переписка
Управление проектами
Ведение переговоров

Driving experience

Own car

Driver's license category B

Higher education (bachelor)

Electrical energetics faculty, Power engineering



EnglishC2 — Proficiency

RussianC2 — Proficiency

TurkishC1 — Advanced

Citizenship, travel time to work

Citizenship: Uzbekistan

Permission to work: Uzbekistan

Desired travel time to work: Doesn't matter